The political behavior of Qom seminary during the political era has gained features that organize the actions and reactions of seminaries in the political sphere. The inductive investigation and analysis of the positions and actions in various levels of seminary center during the last century in domestic arena suggests that some features have dominated the political behavior of clergies. These features are as follows: the principle of enforcing the Islamic laws and preventing the anti-religious thoughts and symbols, concern about preserving the independence of the country and non-dominance of foreigners over Muslims’ affairs, nationalism, the clergies’ political endogeneity, idealistic pragmatism, political rationality, priority of theory over practice, obligation-centrism and avoiding politicalism and politicization, people-centrism and belief in people, avoiding radicalism, preserving independence of the seminary, pluralism and respecting others’ views. This article, while presenting arguments and documents related to each item, leads the readers to the framework model of how clerics confront the political affair wherein most of the political behaviors of the seminaries are formed. |
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